What is an Early Enrichment Program? and How Can It Help Your Child with Better Brain Development?

What is an Early Enrichment Program? and How Can It Help Your Child with Better Brain Development?
An early enrichment or early childhood education program encompasses formal as well as informal modes of training provided to young children up to approximately 8 years of age. The objective of any reputed early learning center revolves around fundamental cognitive development of children, which can help shape the later years of an individual’s life. The programs consist of activities as well as experiences that stimulate developmental changes in children before their entry into academics.

How can early learning centers help my child?

1) Early Brain Development

Mental arithmetic is a mathematical manipulation carried out in the mind; the process does not include the benefit of pen and paper. Several brain development programs help children to strengthen their mathematical concepts, observe problems from different angles, solve them successfully in a short period of time and also develop a life-long love for learning math subjects.

2) Develop an Interest in Learning

Every parent has faced this common problem of making their child sit, focus and learn. But imagine if the child is curious and self-interested in learning. That’s what early child development programs do. Their training techniques, playful environment and experienced teachers excite children about learning and develop their curiosity. A good early childhood education sparks interest and promotes engagement in learning amongst students.
To register your child in i-Maths: An early enrichment program – click here.

3) Enhanced Study Skills

Research-based training techniques at early learning centres are driven to develop the cognitive skills of a child. These skills include focus, memory power, observation, application, reasoning and judgment to name a few. All these skills developed at an early critical age help a child in their academics, not just in school but also in future competitive exams and universities.

4) Better Understanding of a Child’s Abilities

Early childhood education gives an opportunity to assess a child’s skills as well as any special needs in further academics. Many children have an inclination towards specific disciplines, viz. arts, science, engineering, math, music, sports and more. Experienced teachers will be able to judge a child’s abilities from an early age, which can be of great help to parents. If you are considering registering your child in an early learning center, think of i-Maths. The i-Maths program develops a child’s interest in learning, while enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The curriculum and class environment is designed in such a way that it stimulates imagination and creativity. For more information, call: 1877-826-2790.

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