Five Fabulous Ideas for Children Who are Getting Bored at Home | i-Maths

Five Fabulous Ideas for Children Who are Getting Bored at Home | i-Maths

This pandemic has taken a toll on all our lives. Especially when it comes to small kids, it has become difficult to help them stay in one place, engaged in one activity for a long time. With no schools & practice of social distancing, it is a task to keep up with kids for parents. For those parents who are looking for meaningful ways for their children to stay engaged and not get bored, we are here with the top five preschool activities that your kids would enjoy doing from home itself.

Let’s know these five Preschool Activities here:

 1.Virtual Tours

There are various virtual tours your child can take by sitting at home, and trust us they will love it. Take them to virtual tours of Zoo Safaris, National Parks, Iconic Landmarks, Space Exploration, Museums, and many other interesting places like Pyramids and more. You can also use 360 Virtual Reality Google for them to have a better & exciting experience.

For British Museum: click here, for Mount Rushmore: click here, for Disney World: click here and more for more virtual tours, you can click here.


Make learning new languages easy & fun for your kids. The more languages they have a grip on the more it is going to be beneficial to them. Install fun language learning apps for kids to let them learn Spanish, French, Mandarin, and other popular yet useful languages in an exciting way like story formation, sentence formation, video form, cartoons, and others.

There are several apps like Duolingo, Little Pim, Gus on the Go, Rosetta Stone Kids, and others for children to learn new languages.

3. Music

It is a proven fact that music has several advantages and health benefits for children. One of them is the improvement in brainpower and memory for children. Music is a fun and creative way to keep children engaged and teaches them to be patient. There are several online tools through which children can learn and get access to music lessons.

They can also have lots of fun while playing online guitar or Bongos – click here. For songs that can help learn, click here.

4.DIY Activities

Internet is flooded with DIY experiment ideas and tutorials for children to access and learn. It is one of the most fun and loved activities among children, and with Christmas around, a parent can surely make the most of it to keep their child engaged. The DIY activities also give a whole new way of learning as children get hands-on learning at home and explore their creative and critical thinking.

For fun DIY projects – click here, for DIY craft activities – click here and for Christmas décor – click here.

5.i-Maths: Online Math Learning Center

i-Maths, a math program for kids, has fast become a loved program among parents of young kids below 7 years of age. The program uses creative and fun ways to teach children basic math concepts of shape, sizes, time, quantity, probability, and others. Various tools like colorful blocks, puzzles, activities, games, and tangrams are utilized to keep children engaged in learning.

Online classes are also offered by i-Maths, which can help children staying at home get access to this wonderful math program for kids. To attend FREE Virtual Trial Class – click here.

Let your kids not get bored and learn these amazing things virtually at our math learning center. For more information, visit:

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