Which Activity Is Good For Development In Early Childhood Children?

Look through the most fun learning ideas of early childhood education
Math Pre-schoolers are among the busiest and the most observant people on the planet. They like to learn and want to know everything about their surroundings. Every minute of the day, they have several questions that they want to ask. And they always look up to their parents to know every answer to their questions. Every day is a lesson in the childhood! Preschool education isn’t just to get your child into studying but it’s also to welcome them to their future with smiles, giggles, and laughter. i-Maths is one such child development program for pre-schoolers. It’s the perfect place for your child to begin their education in the most exciting and entertaining yet informative way.

Here are some of the fun preschool learning activities that your child would definitely enjoy doing at i-Maths:

Roll and Dot the Numbers This number roll and dot game is a good way for kids to learn numbers and build their number sense. It’s the ideal activity for nursery and kindergarten math centers, and the free printable makes it simply the best choice for number learning. It is also easy to implement it at homes, so that their learning never stops. Tangrams! Two small triangles, one medium triangle, one rectangle, one parallelogram, and two big triangles make up a tan set. These pieces may be combined to form any geometrical shape that your child wants such as squares or triangles, or something more representational such as animals, things, or humans. An infinite number of shapes can be made from these parts, making it one of the most flexible and ‘can-never-get-boring’ activities for children. Tangram puzzles helps to develop:
  1. Problem-solving and logistical thinking
  2. Creativity
  3. Geometrical concepts
  4. Spatial relationships

Some of the Fun Activities that children can do irrespective of them being at school or home are:

  1. Jumping from one tile to other
  2. Mini golfing
  3. Paper plate skating
  4. Hopping, Skipping and Jumping.
  5. Newspaper ball catching
  6. Racing with peers.
  7. Cycling

Why are these activities crucial for your kids?

Preschool activities give a way to boost your child’s physical and mental health. All these activities are crucial in improving your child’s mental and physical stamina. They also have a significant impact on your child’s personality and often reflect on what they are going to be like when they grow up.

Social skills

The very first thing that a child notices is the people around them, their peers and teachers. Early Childhood Programs from the very beginning instil the practice of being approachable and social with one another. Some of the other qualities learned in preschool programs are cooperation, sharing, and problem solving attitude. We all wonder why we are fascinated with some things and why we aren’t with some others. It’s all because of our early childhood education. Our early learning experiences shape us into the person that we are today. Most of our likes and dislikes are the reason because of our association with certain things during our childhood. Childhood is that phase that is the most vulnerable yet strong period of a person’s life. It affects them so much that they carry on those experiences into far later in their lives. So, it is of utmost importance to make this sensitive time of their lives to be worthwhile. At i-Maths, we believe in holistic development of children using play and fun as the way to progress in lives. Children are very tender at heart, and to win their hearts, we ensure our entire curriculum and activities are planned around their likes so as to see a smooth flow of development in them. If you are too looking to get your pre-schooler started with a child development program, then there’s nothing better than i-Maths. Here, we care about you and your children.

Math Program for Kids – What We Know, And What’s Possible!

Math Program for Kids - What We Know, And What’s Possible!
Math is a part of our everyday lives. A greater understanding of mathematics is essential for today’s school children. Math skills are one of the important skills in the development of a child in their early years just like language skills, physical skills, and social skills. But in this fast-growing world, it becomes difficult to prepare the next generation to flourish in this new economy. High quality early education is more of a need than a want in today’s time.

Effective Early Math Program for Children!

Math is a foundational program, and most if not all people assume it takes little understanding to teach it, but unfortunately, that’s not the case. Math programs help children develop social & emotional intelligence, enhance their academics, develop a deep and proper understanding of core topics , build practical skills, and are a great approach for overall mental development. Math programs help them have more innovative and fulfilling careers in the future. For these reasons, enrolling your child in preschool learning activities, especially math programs for kids is absolutely necessary as it inculcates “active learning.”

Why Is Early Math Learning Beneficial To Your Child’s Overall Development?

  • Improves communication, writing, and reading
It may surprise you to hear that early arithmetic learning not only helps your kid establish self-confidence and the fundamental foundation needed to excel in arithmetic, but it also aids in their literacy development. When your kid can think mathematically and apply concepts, they grow not only their mathematical comprehension but also their verbal talents.
  • It prepares kids for a math-based future
The world is fast moving toward an AI-driven environment, and in order to flourish in a future where a growing percentage of professions will require critical thinking and analytical abilities, it is crucial for your child to have a strong math foundation right from an early age.

Early Learning Centre

Early learning centres are a great way to develop your child’s interest in math.Not only because it will help create a base for them when they grow older and have to work on more difficult problems, but also because math is a holistic subject in itself that we apply its principles in our daily lives without even being aware of it. Being good at math indirectly makes us good at problem-solving, analytical and reasoning abilities, and these skills are very essential to live a good life.

iMaths- An Early Math Enrichment Program

There’s a reason to believe that today’s preschoolers can grow up to learn, experience and appreciate math in a broader and more conceptual context than anyone has ever before. It’s all because of numerous math programs for kids out there that make learning math easier for your young ones. iMaths is one of those math programs for kids that your little bundle of happiness will definitely fall in love with. As an early education center, we nurture your child’s critical & creative thinking ability through math for kids concepts. We aim to establish a strong foundation for learning in the early years of a child. So, if you are looking for a math program for your preschooler, look no more. Reach out to us so we can help you out.  

What Are Easy Math Enrichment Activities?

Do you know How Impactful a Child development program can be?
Math has always been considered the toughest subject of all and rightly so. It has got so many problems and so many different ways to get its solutions that it all becomes too confusing. And if that weren’t enough, there are so many methods to solve the same problem that it becomes quite chaotic. Children are very simple minded and getting exposed to so much information and detail can very quickly make them lose their interest in the subject. Even if their grasping power is strong, children need to be made familiar with Math in a particular manner so as not to overwhelm them. Not many child development programs think of that as they all are quite in a rush to feed children with whatever information they can get their hands on. i-Maths math program for kids on the other hand is a high-quality child development program that provides a challenging and fun educational setting for all the students. It fosters a positive environment to boost children’s confidence in mathematics as well as makes them comfortable with a plethora of their fun and engaging activities. Students who excel at math and even who don’t all love this program as it provides them with greater challenges that at their young age excites them. This in turn also broadens their math knowledge and skills. Here are some of the benefits of enrolling your child in Math Enrichment Classes:

Promotes Self-Learning

The math program in i-Maths is designed in accordance with the pattern of developing mathematical concepts at a pace vital to a child’s mind. They are gradually introduced with the basic concepts using distinctive techniques and are then made to absorb the information at their own tempo. This not only makes for a better and clearer grasp of math knowledge but also promotes self-learning which is quite an essential skill in the long run.

Increases Appreciation for Math

In early ages, children learn to recognize math symbols and signs but don’t know much use of it except for the fact that they enjoy the variations that learning math provides. The staff at i-Maths are so well-trained that they can easily identify the potential level in children and accordingly adjust their pace and style of teaching making it learning friendly for everyone. This makes children look at math in a way they never did before.

Elevates Their Ability To Think

Math Enrichment programs such as one at i-Maths encourage young minds to think beyond the box and evaluate the way they think and do things. This in turn makes them inquisitive and curious to know more about the world. And as they say, there is nothing better than a curious child because you know their mind is working continuously to grasp all the real world knowledge.

Enthusiasm for lifelong-learning

Learning math is like having an acquired taste. Not everyone will like it at first glance or second or maybe even third. Children need to be eased into it but it is promised that once their basic concepts get cleared, math becomes more of a fun and interesting puzzle that they all will love to solve. This cultivates a passion for learning in them which they carry very well into their later years. It is undeniable how important math enrichment classes’ role is in the development of a child. So, if you want to enhance your child’s life then there is no better time than now. Enrol your child in i-Maths, a well-established math learning centre for childrendesigned to meet your and your child’s requirements to explore, learn & enjoy math.

Why Is It Important To Invest In Early Childhood Education?

A little fun and a little play go a long way. DISCOVER some cool preschool learning activities that will brighten up your child’s life
Preschool activities might look and sound as if it doesn’t do much other than relieving you of your parental duties for the time your child is away, but it’s actually much more than that. Pre-school not only helps with physical development of your child but also improves motor skills and social development. Pre-School learning activities play a substantial role in nurturing children at a growing age. So, choosing the best preschool for preschool learning activities should be a very thought after decision and not a make-do thing. These simple activities shape your children to be what they think they want to be in the future. The Math Program for kids is one of the most sought after preschool learning activities because fostering an early interest in MATH is the easiest and the simplest way that you can take to build a strong foundation of math skills in your child for years to come. i-Maths is an early childhood education program which is both creative and critical and makes your child fall in love with Math with all the interesting methods that they use to excite kids. Some of those cool and fun methods are

Concrete Method

Learning becomes more engaging when children can actually do what they are being taught. Here, 3D tools are used to give that extra edge to this math program for kids. With the help of these tools, children can actually have hands on experience which encourages them to experiment more on their own. This tangible form of learning is the quickest way to garner anyone’s interest.

Semi-Abstract Method

Children love bright, colourful things, and why not? They are attractive and lively to look at. So, when Math is made more fascinating by the use of visual 2D Charts which are simply pleasant to look at, the understanding of concepts becomes clearer, and helps in the development of aptitude and skills.

Abstract Method

This Method is simpler than the other two by its use of activity books to make sure that whatever kids learn in the other methods has actually been understood by them. This evaluation ensures that they are not just playing around all the time but are also learning and mastering the mathematical concepts. Children have a natural curiosity to grow and learn. In their tender age, they are always excited to try out new things. So, as parents you can actually use this to you and your child’s benefit and make them try out and learn different things which will be pertinent to their future. i-Maths is a healthy math program for kids that strives to lay a foundation of the basic learning and essential skills, one that every parent should enrol their kids to.

How to Deal with your child’s Boredom?

Five Fabulous Ideas for Children Who are Getting Bored at Home

This pandemic has taken a toll on all our lives. Especially when it comes to small kids, it has become difficult to help them stay in one place, engaged in one activity for a long time. With no schools & practice of social distancing, it is a task to keep up with kids for parents. For those parents who are looking for meaningful ways for their children to stay engaged and not get bored, we are here with the top five preschool activities that your kids would enjoy doing from home itself.

Let’s know these five Preschool Activities here:

 1.Virtual Tours

There are various virtual tours your child can take by sitting at home, and trust us they will love it. Take them to virtual tours of Zoo Safaris, National Parks, Iconic Landmarks, Space Exploration, Museums, and many other interesting places like Pyramids and more. You can also use 360 Virtual Reality Google for them to have a better & exciting experience.

For British Museum: click here, for Mount Rushmore: click here, for Disney World: click here and more for more virtual tours, you can click here.


Make learning new languages easy & fun for your kids. The more languages they have a grip on the more it is going to be beneficial to them. Install fun language learning apps for kids to let them learn Spanish, French, Mandarin, and other popular yet useful languages in an exciting way like story formation, sentence formation, video form, cartoons, and others.

There are several apps like Duolingo, Little Pim, Gus on the Go, Rosetta Stone Kids, and others for children to learn new languages.

3. Music

It is a proven fact that music has several advantages and health benefits for children. One of them is the improvement in brainpower and memory for children. Music is a fun and creative way to keep children engaged and teaches them to be patient. There are several online tools through which children can learn and get access to music lessons.

They can also have lots of fun while playing online guitar or Bongos – click here. For songs that can help learn, click here.

4.DIY Activities

Internet is flooded with DIY experiment ideas and tutorials for children to access and learn. It is one of the most fun and loved activities among children, and with Christmas around, a parent can surely make the most of it to keep their child engaged. The DIY activities also give a whole new way of learning as children get hands-on learning at home and explore their creative and critical thinking.

For fun DIY projects – click here, for DIY craft activities – click here and for Christmas décor – click here.

5.i-Maths: Online Math Learning Center

i-Maths, a math program for kids, has fast become a loved program among parents of young kids below 7 years of age. The program uses creative and fun ways to teach children basic math concepts of shape, sizes, time, quantity, probability, and others. Various tools like colorful blocks, puzzles, activities, games, and tangrams are utilized to keep children engaged in learning.

Online classes are also offered by i-Maths, which can help children staying at home get access to this wonderful math program for kids. To attend FREE Virtual Trial Class – click here.

Let your kids not get bored and learn these amazing things virtually at our math learning center. For more information, visit: www.i-maths.ca