Early Math Excellence: Discovering the Benefits of Kindergarten Math Activities and Preschool Activities

Early Math Excellence: Discovering the Benefits of Kindergarten Math
Children are naturally attracted to new and creative things, they get easily engaged in fun activities. Hence the way of introducing anything to children matters a lot. Children find colors and characters attractive and are curious to know them and so teaching with the help of colors and character is more effective then teaching it straight. They like to hear stories and the answers to their ‘why’, they require a logical explanation so that they get to know things better and know the importance of the tasks they are performing.    Mathematics is the best subject through which children can not only learn and understand numbers but also many other concepts and skills like reasoning, observation, logical thinking, analysis and synthesis.   And so kindergartens and preschools use teaching methods for teaching kids the basic level of math through creative and attractive ways to keep them engaged and help them develop skills.   Math is essentially a subject of problem-solving. Early age math programs often present children with a wide range of math problems and puzzles that require them to think critically and come up with solutions.   Math involves recognizing patterns, relationships, and structures. Through an early age math program, children are exposed to various mathematical concepts and objects, such as numbers, shapes, and patterns. By engaging with these elements, they develop their observational skills and learn to identify and understand mathematical patterns and relationships.   Mathematics is inherently logical, and a math program encourages children to think in a logical and systematic manner. They learn to follow steps and procedures, make connections between different concepts, and apply logical reasoning to solve problems. By engaging in mathematical activities, children develop critical thinking skills and learn to analyze situations, make predictions, and draw conclusions based on evidence and logical deductions.   Math requires reasoning skills to understand and solve problems. Early age math programs often introduce children to problem-solving activities and puzzles that require logical reasoning. By engaging in these activities, children learn to think through problems, identify different solution strategies, and apply logical reasoning to arrive at a solution. They also develop the ability to explain their reasoning and justify their answers, which further enhances their communication skills.   Engaging with math at an early age stimulates cognitive development. It promotes the growth of neural connections in the brain, particularly in areas associated with logical thinking and reasoning. Through math activities, children develop mental flexibility, spatial awareness, and the ability to think abstractly. These cognitive skills not only benefit their mathematical abilities but also have broader applications in other areas of learning.   At i-Maths, children are introduced to all the basic concepts of math through many fun learning activities and experiments which enhance a child’s creativity , learning power, curiosity and much more.   At our early math learning center, kids that get started early stick with it. Through the i-Maths program, we develop children’s cognitive thinking abilities in a more practical and fun-based approach. In our math for kids training, we aim to:  
  1. Set up a child’s early formative years with a solid foundation for learning.
  2. Make math interesting and fun to do, stimulating brain development.
  3. Help children make a smooth transition to school settings
  4. Encourage application of concepts in real-time environment
Children are trained in number sense, connection, patterns & relationships, and problem-solving at i-Maths. We nurture a child’s critical & creative thinking ability through math for kids concepts. At our math learning center, your little bundle of happiness will fall in love with learning & math.To inculcate such knowledge and skill in your children enroll your child now at i-Math early learning program now at an early age before it’s too late.

Kindergarten Math Activities and Preschool Activities Learnings at i-Math

Kindergarten Math Activities and Preschool Activities Learnings
Children are like clay at an early age, they’ll easily take the shape that they are molded into. Kindergarten and preschool programs play an important role in the development of children’s brains. Learning at an early age makes the concepts deep-rooted and long-lasting. Here, math works best! It not only helps children in solving mathematical problems but also aims to enhance other skills like observation, logical thinking, reasoning, analysis, and synthesis.    Number recognition and counting are the first and most important things in the kindergartener’s and preschool math skills checklist. To hit their math goals, a child must first learn to recognize and count numbers. Kindergarten and preschool math skills include building a foundation for mathematical concepts and basic numeracy. Some of the math skills taught are counting, number recognition, number formulation, basic addition and subtraction, patterns, shapes and geometry, measurement, data analysis, along with time and money.     Kindergarten often focuses on teaching children to count from 1 to 10 and beyond. They learn to count objects, fingers, and numbers on a number line. Children learn about different shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles. They learn to identify and sort shapes based on their attributes. They learn to sort objects based on various attributes like color, shape, size, and type and develop skills in categorization and classification.   While preschool focuses on children learning to recognize and identify numbers, both numerals and written words. They start to associate a numerical symbol with its corresponding quantity. Children also get to learn basic operations such as addition and subtraction and begin to understand the concepts of combining sets (addition) and taking away from sets (subtraction). They explore and create patterns, which helps develop their logical thinking and recognition of recurring sequences. Basic measurement concepts are introduced, such as comparing sizes, lengths, and weights.   These skills are taught through hands-on activities, games, songs, and interactive experiences to make learning math engaging and enjoyable for young children.   It provides children with an ideal platform to learn by systematically guiding them through various modes of learning such as Sensorial, Kinesthetic and Visual.   Sensorial Learning    Sensorial learning, also known as sensory learning or experiential learning, is an approach to learning that emphasizes the use of the senses to enhance the learning process. This learning mode recognizes that children learn best when they engage multiple senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, to gather information and make sense of the world around them. Our learning environment is designed to provide opportunities for sensory exploration and discovery. It involves hands-on experiences, experiments, and activities that stimulate the senses and encourage active participation. By engaging the senses, children can develop a deeper understanding of concepts, improve memory retention, and enhance overall learning outcomes.   Kinesthetic Learning Kinesthetic learning, also known as tactile learning or hands-on learning, is a learning mode that emphasizes physical activities and movement as a primary means of understanding and retaining information. In kinesthetic learning, children rely on physical experiences and actions to process information and make connections. They often benefit from activities that involve manipulating objects, performing experiments, participating in role-plays, or engaging in physical exercises. By actively engaging their bodies, children can better internalize and understand concepts, improve their muscle memory, and enhance overall learning outcomes.   Visual Learning Visual learning is an approach to learning that emphasizes the use of visual aids and stimuli to understand and retain information. Children who prefer visual learning tend to learn best when they can see and observe information in a visual format, such as diagrams, charts, graphs, images, videos, or written text. In the visual learning approach, visual stimuli are used to present information, concepts, and ideas. Children benefit from seeing the relationships between different elements, identifying patterns, and creating mental images. These children often have a strong visual memory and recall information more effectively when it is presented visually.   By engaging in these problem-solving activities, children learn to break down complex problems into manageable parts, apply logical reasoning to find solutions and develop perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges. Here, an early-age math program helps enhance skills like observation, logical thinking, and reasoning by providing a structured framework for children to engage with mathematical concepts and develop their cognitive abilities. These skills have wide-ranging applications beyond mathematics and are crucial for academic success and lifelong learning.  Children are prepared in the areas of problem-solving, connection, patterns & relationships, and number awareness at i-Math. We nurture a child’s critical & creative thinking ability through math for kids’ concepts. So if you are looking for the best math early learning program that focuses on kindergarten as well as preschool activities and goals, i-Math Canada provides children an ideal platform to learn by systematically guiding them through various modes of learning such as Sensorial, Kinesthetic, and Visual. It inspires critical and creative thinking in them.

How Math Proficiency Can Lead to Different Flourishing Career Options for Your Kid!

How Math Proficiency Can Lead to Different Flourishing Career Options for Your Kid!
Math is an essential subject that is crucial to our everyday lives, and its applications are endless. Math plays a significant role in many aspects of our lives, from solving complex problems to making strategic decisions. As such, it is a subject that all students must take seriously and master from an early age. Math can open up career opportunities for students, and early education programs such as after-school programs and math learning centers can help them get there.   After-school programs and math learning centers are an excellent way for students to develop their math skills. These programs provide students with additional resources and support to help them learn and understand math concepts better. Students who attend these programs have the opportunity to learn from experienced tutors who can provide them with individualized attention and assistance.   One of the most significant benefits of after-school programs and math learning centers is that they can help students build a strong foundation in math. When students have a solid understanding of math concepts, they are better equipped to tackle more advanced problems and apply mathematical principles to real-world situations. This early foundation can set them up for success in their future studies and careers.   Early childhood education is an important time for students to develop their math skills. Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them, and math is a subject that can help them understand how things work. Math concepts are all around us, from counting objects to measuring distances. Early education programs that incorporate math into their curriculum can help children develop a love for math and build a strong foundation for future learning.   In addition to building a foundation in math, early education programs can also help students develop essential life skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical reasoning. These skills are valuable in any career path and can set students up for success in the future. Early education that focuses on math can also help students develop spatial reasoning skills, which are crucial in many fields such as engineering, architecture, and computer science.   As students progress through their academic careers, math becomes an increasingly important subject. Many career paths require a strong foundation in math, and the ability to apply mathematical principles to real-world situations which makes afterschool programs and math learning centers all the more important for your kids. Some of the most lucrative and in-demand career paths, such as engineering, finance, and data analysis, rely heavily on math skills.   Engineering is one field that relies heavily on math skills. Engineers use mathematical principles to design and build complex systems, structures, and machines. Without a strong foundation in math, it would be impossible to succeed in this field. A career in engineering can be highly rewarding and lucrative, with the potential for high salaries and job security.   Finance is another field that requires strong math skills. Financial analysts, bankers, and investors all use math to make strategic decisions and analyze data. A strong foundation in math is necessary to succeed in this field, as it involves complex calculations and understanding of financial concepts.   Data analysis is a field that has seen significant growth in recent years. With the rise of big data and the increasing importance of data-driven decision-making, data analysts are in high demand. Data analysts use mathematical and statistical methods to analyze data and draw conclusions. A strong foundation in math is crucial for success in this field.   In conclusion, math is a subject that can open many doors of career opportunities for students. Early education programs such as after-school programs and math learning centers can help students develop a strong foundation in math, which can set them up for success in their future studies and careers. Whether students choose to pursue a career in engineering, finance, data analysis, or any other math-intensive field, a strong foundation in math is essential for success. i-Maths is the perfect place for your child to start their math journey. It offers a comprehensive and engaging learning experience that will help your little one develop a strong foundation in math. With this platform, you can be sure that your child will have the necessary mathematical skills to open up exciting career options in the future. With its interactive activities, entertaining videos, and fun games, i-Maths makes learning math an enjoyable experience for kids.

A Basic Guide of How a Kindergarten Math Program Curriculum Should Look Like for Your Kid, at Any Math Learning Center!

A Basic Guide of How a Kindergarten Math Program Curriculum Should Look Like for Your Kid, at Any Math Learning Center!
Building a strong foundation in math from an early age is crucial for a child’s academic success. A well-designed kindergarten math program curriculum can provide young learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in math and set them up for future success. In this blog, we will explore what a kindergarten math program curriculum should include, with a focus on math learning centers and math for preschoolers. Math learning centers are an effective way to create an engaging and interactive learning environment for young children. These centers can be set up in a classroom or a dedicated space and provide hands-on learning experiences that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. A well-designed math learning center should include a variety of activities that cater to different learning styles and abilities. Some key components of a math learning center for kindergarten may include:
  • Manipulatives
Manipulatives are physical objects that children can handle, touch and manipulate to learn math concepts. Examples of manipulatives for kindergarten math include counting blocks, pattern blocks, base ten blocks and linking cubes. These manipulatives can help children develop a concrete understanding of numbers, shapes and other mathematical concepts through hands-on exploration and play.  
  • Games
Math games are a fun and engaging way for young learners to practice their math skills. Games can be designed to reinforce concepts such as counting, number recognition, addition, and subtraction. They can also promote social interaction and cooperation among children, enhancing their social skills while they learn math.  
  • Puzzles
Puzzles are another great math learning center activity for kindergartners. Puzzles can help children develop spatial awareness, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking skills. Jigsaw puzzles with numbers, shapes, and patterns can be especially beneficial for young learners.  
  • Worksheets and Printables
While hands-on activities are important for kindergarten math, worksheets and printables can also be valuable resources. These can include worksheets for tracing numbers and shapes, coloring activities, and simple math problems for practice. Worksheets and printables can be used to reinforce math concepts taught in other activities and provide additional practice opportunities for children.  
  • Technology
Incorporating technology into a kindergarten math program can be beneficial as well. Interactive math apps can provide additional opportunities for practice and reinforcement of math skills. However, it is important to strike a balance between technology and hands-on activities to ensure a well-rounded math learning experience.   In addition to math learning centers, a comprehensive kindergarten math program curriculum should cover a wide range of math concepts that are appropriate for preschoolers. Here are some key concepts that should be included:
  • Counting and Number Recognition
Kindergartners should learn to count from 1 to 20 and recognize and write numerals. They should also understand the concept of one-to-one correspondence, which involves matching each object with one number word.  
  • Number Operations
Basic addition and subtraction concepts should be introduced in all kinds of math learning centers, including understanding the concept of addition as combining groups of objects and subtraction as taking away objects.  
  • Shapes
Kindergartners should learn to identify and name common two-dimensional shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles and rectangles. They should also learn to identify and describe three-dimensional shapes, such as spheres, cubes and cylinders.  
  • Patterns
Kindergartners should learn to recognize and create patterns, including repeating patterns and growing patterns for math activities for preschoolers. Patterns can help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  
  • Measurement
Kindergartners should be introduced to the concept of measurement, including comparing and ordering objects by size, length, weight and capacity. Math learning centers should make kids learn to use basic measuring tools, such as rulers and scales.  
  • Data Analysis
Kindergartners should learn basic data analysis skills, such as sorting and classifying objects based on attributes such as color, shape or quantity.   At i-Maths, we understand that learning math can be a challenge for kids, but it doesn’t have to be. Our goal is to make math fun by providing activities, games and different math activities for preschoolers that will help them hone their math skills. We believe in giving our students the best learning experience possible by creating a math learning center where they can learn and excel at math. With our state-of-the-art learning center, we provide a variety of interactive activities and tools such as puzzles, quizzes and more to keep the students engaged while they learn. Our experienced teachers are always there to provide guidance and support throughout the process. At i-Maths we make sure that everyone has an enjoyable learning experience while learning to master mathematics early on!

Understand the Difference Between Conceptual Learning and Memorization in Math to Make Better Grades!

Understand the Difference Between Conceptual Learning and Memorization in Math to Make Better Grades!
Math is an essential part of our lives and it can be seen everywhere: from the time we wake up in the morning until we go to bed at night. Whether it’s calculating the amount of money we need for groceries, figuring out how much time it will take to get to work, or deciphering recipes, math is a fundamental tool that helps us make sense of the world around us. Learning math can also help us develop problem-solving skills and logical thinking which can be useful in everyday life. Early learning centers help kids to develop crucial math skills at an early age. Being able to apply mathematical principles to real-life situations can help them make more informed decisions and be better prepared for whatever life throws our way. Math is one of the most important skills that people must learn throughout their lives. It helps them understand and solve complex problems, analyze data and make informed decisions. That’s why learning math from a young age is so important. Math learning centers are becoming increasingly popular in many countries around the world to help children learn math in an engaging way. These centers offer interactive activities for preschoolers to practice and enhance their problem-solving skills with fun math games and puzzles. They also provide teachers with the tools they need to effectively teach math in the classroom. Conceptual understanding in math is the ability to make connections between different concepts and see how they are related. It involves recognizing patterns, seeing relationships between numbers, and being able to solve problems with multiple steps. With math activities for preschoolers, children can gain an understanding of basic mathematical concepts as well as develop skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and creative thinking. Through hands-on activities such as counting objects, sorting shapes, and playing with number puzzles and games, children can learn to apply their conceptual understanding of math to real-world situations. Memorization is a mathematical technique where students learn to memorize facts and equations without understanding the underlying concepts. While it may seem like an effective way to learn math, it is actually not recommended for young children. This is because they are unable to understand the context surrounding the mathematical equations and facts which can lead to confusion and frustration when learning more complex concepts later on. Memorization and conceptual learning are two very different approaches to math learning, and each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Memorization is the act of committing facts, formulas, and equations to memory without understanding them thoroughly, while conceptual learning involves an understanding of the underlying principles that explain why certain facts or equations are true. While memorization can be useful for taking tests or quickly recalling information, conceptual understanding is much more useful in helping students solve problems. Conceptual understanding requires students to think critically, create connections with other concepts, and build upon previous knowledge.The classroom evaluation provides evidence of student conceptual understanding.The student evaluation provides evidence of student conceptual understanding. At i-Maths, conceptual learning is more preferred as it involves helping students understand the underlying concepts developed in a lesson, rather than simply memorizing facts and formulas. It encourages critical thinking and allows children to apply the knowledge they gain from studying math to solving problems in real life. By understanding how mathematics works at a conceptual level, children are able to make connections between various topics and use that knowledge for problem-solving purposes. Mathematics is a fundamental part of life that helps children develop essential problem solving and analytical skills. At i-Maths, we believe in the importance of conceptual learning for math education. Our approach to teaching math is designed to help your child build a better understanding of different math subjects, while also developing the necessary skills to become successful in their future. i-Maths provides various activities for preschoolers so they can explore and learn math at an early age. Our learning center also has activities that are tailored towards older children to ensure they can easily understand mathematics concepts and apply them to their everyday lives. Through our innovative approach, your child will gain a better grasp on all aspects of mathematics—from basic arithmetic to more complex algebraic equations—helping them reach their potential in any academic endeavor.

5 Engaging Geometry Activities for Kids

Geometry made easy with these 5 activities!

The word Geometry just sounds complicated but can be fascinating to your children with the right approach ie. a hands-on learning experience. Here are some math enrichment activities you can do with your children to enhance hands-on learning activity and bring geometry to life, stimulating your children to learn more.

Here are 5 geometric math enrichment activities you can do with your children at home:

Find Shapes at the Playground

Do your children love going to the playground? I bet they are ecstatic if you just casually mention it right? So next time you head out with your child to the playground, you can help them explore math by identifying shapes by playing a game called Shape Hunt. Simply identify the various shapes of things in the playground and outside it as well.

Quilt Activity Using Triangles

This is a simple geometry activity that provides the best type of practice in spatial awareness and is perfect for preschool, kindergarten, and the first grade. This is a very simple activity as most everyone owns quilts and you can do this literally from anywhere in your house. Studying quilt designs is a great way to immerse your children in hands-on shape and geometry activities.

The purpose of quilt activity is to use triangles to create four-square quilt designs. Younger children will tend to focus on placing the triangles to fit within the squares. Whereas older children will tend to extend their activity by creating more designs and patterns. Doing this activity with your children allows you to compare your designs with that of your child.

Understand Geometry with LEGOS

This activity begins by reading shape riddles and ends with your child building the shape you have described in your riddle. Your children can easily draw the shape described in the riddle with markers and crayons, but if your child enjoys building stuff then it’s best to build the shape with LEGOs which will be a hands-on learning experience.

It may take a bit of time to shuffle through all the Lego bricks to find the ones that you can use for this project. After which you can set out examples of what your child needs to look for or place pictures of what your child needs to find beside your brick bin. It is almost akin to going on a treasure hunt.

Once you have the said bricks, you can then start putting out the geometric riddles. When putting together the riddles, decide on what terms you are going to use for the sides and corners.

Make Shapes with Play Dough

This is a fun, hands-on playful experience which uses play dough to teach shapes. Most children enjoy playing with play dough and creating various different shapes. This active learning approach helps children better understand shapes and provides early math enrichment.

Draw the Shape of Things

Shapes are found, identified, and drawn in various preschool learning activities! Discovering just how often circles, squares, and triangles occur in our everyday life makes them relevant to children. You can opt to draw the shapes of things you and your child see every day in a notepad, on a chalkboard or even in your driveway if you want it to be larger than life.

Help instill in your child a clear understanding of geometry from a young age with these 5 activities. If you want to take it a step further and help your child become comfortable with math from a young age then look no further than enrolling him in the i-Maths childhood education program which is designed with a focus on early math enrichment!

What are the benefits of math in early childhood?

4 Benefits of Learning Early Childhood Math for Your Kids

People underestimate the ability of a child to pick up math but they couldn’t be more wrong as math is so much more than just a part of their school curriculum. It is an important part of any child’s overall development which will be integral to them later in life. Early childhood education is extremely useful for cognitive development which further allows your children to grow and lead better adult lives by using mathematics to make calculated and logical decisions.

Here are 4 benefits of early childhood math for your child:

Cognitive Development

Early childhood math learning helps in critical early cognitive development. Developing math skills and solving math-related problems stimulates the brain’s gray matter which further enhances your child’s visual prowess, attention span, decision-making ability as well as simultaneously being able to perform multiple cognitive tasks at the same time.

Problem Solving Skills

Math is all about problem-solving and it teaches children how to develop problem-solving skills. These skills allow them to observe and tackle situations in real life and deliver logical solutions for any situation that life throws at them. Solving mathematical problems is a way to acquire this skill of weighing up your options and choosing the most logical one.

Improves Decision-Making Skills

Practicing math regularly can help children to develop the ability to ascertain the most logical path to get the correct solutions. This further teaches children to follow an approach that leads to a correct goal with the use of measurements, numbers as well as by applying spatial sense.

Promotes Entrepreneurial Spirit

Understanding numbers early on can help your children understand money and the basic difference between profits, losses, and the selling price. This newfound understanding can help spur them on to build their own businesses with a clear understanding of how money works.

As parents, you can prepare your children by enrolling them at our i-Maths learning center, empowering their vision and mindset from an early age. At i-Maths we provide our students with specially designed math challenges in a fun and stimulating manner which instills an early love for numbers.

Why Investing in Preschool Learning Activities is Essential for Parents

Why should every parent invest in Preschool Learning Activities?

Every parent wants to see their child succeed in their academic pursuits. The success of a child as a student is mostly determined by how well (s)he does in preschool, as it serves as the foundation for their future.

Sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste are the five bodily senses that humans have. The kids love watching new colours, smelling new scents, tasting new things, hearing new sounds, and feeling new textures as they begin to explore their surroundings.

Sensory play is one of the most effective ways to allow your kids to explore and enhance their senses. These preschool activities will not only help your child develop their senses, but they will also help them improve their motor skills and cognitive abilities.

Let’s look at some of the most entertaining sensory preschool learning activitiesfor kids:

Visual Tracking with Bottle Caps

The most popular tracking approach is to follow a colour, which may surprise you. You can help your kid strengthen his or her sense of sight by using the Visual Tracking activity. You’ll require a large number of recycled water bottle caps. To arrange them into groups, you can use round dot stickers or even colourful markers. Get a bowl for each colour and instruct your child to sort the caps into their respective bowls. Furthermore, the caps can be used for peripheral tracking and staring activities.

Sound Match

This game can help children improve their listening skills. It teaches kids the value of remaining quiet while also helping them develop problem-solving and negotiation skills. For this game, you will require a bunch of plastic eggs with different colours. Fill the eggs with miscellaneous materials such as beans, beads, paper clips, bells, sand, and so on. Make a pair of eggs using the same items. For example, two of the eggs will have paper clips, while the other two will have beans, and so on. Now make your child shake the eggs and identify what’s inside each egg, then place it next to the one that makes a similar or identical sound.

Sensory Sorting

The majority of kids prefer activities that allow them to sort things. With this activity, you can teach your child the function of each sensory organ. All you’ll need is a tray, five bowls with the names of each sensory organ and their functions written on them, and some random objects for your kid to sort. Following that, your kid can examine the items in the tray and place them in the appropriate bowls. For instance, they can place a whistle in the ‘ear’ bowl, a feather in the skin’ bowl, a flower in the ‘nose’ bowl, and so on.

These activities not only teach children about their senses, but they also inspire them to think laterally while developing important skills. Sensory activities are easy to plan and fun to engage in. They provide hours of entertainment for your children. These activities are appropriate for both households and preschools because they are both safe and fun to learn from.

At i-Maths we make sure that your kids engage in new and unique preschool learning activities every single day, so get in touch to know more!

What is The Easiest Way to Teach a Child Math?

Math can be fun! To teach children important concepts and prepare them for school, consider playing the following games that double as math lessons for toddlers.

Before your little one starts school, most children develop an understanding of addition and subtraction through everyday interactions, games, and activities. Learning with informal activities gives children a head start when they start learning math in school.

The tips below highlight ways that you can help your child learn early math skills by building on their natural curiosity and having fun. Most of these tips are designed for children aged 2–3. Younger children can be exposed to stories and songs using repetition, rhymes, and numbers.


Play with shape-sorters. Make your child count the sides of the shapes, and describe the colors. Make their own shapes by cutting large shapes out of colored construction paper.

Place the call

Begin teaching your kid the address and phone number of your home. Talk with your child about how each house has a number, and how their house or apartment is one of a series, each with its own number.

You’re cookin’ now!

Even young children can help fill, stir, and pour. Through these activities, children learn, quite naturally, to count, measure, add, and estimate.

Picture time

Use an hourglass, stopwatch, or timer to time short (1–3 minute) activities. This helps children develop a sense of time and to understand that some things take longer than others.

Read and sing your numbers

Sing songs that rhyme, repeat, or have numbers in them. Songs reinforce patterns (which is a math skill as well). They also are quite fun to practice language and foster social skills like cooperation.

Start today

Use a calendar to talk about the date, and the day of the week. Calendars reinforce counting, sequences, and patterns.

Pass it around

Ask for your child’s help in distributing items like snacks or in laying napkins out on the dinner table. Help them give one cracker to each child. This helps children understand one-to-one correspondence.

The long and the short of it

Cut a few (3–5) pieces of ribbon, yarn, or paper into different lengths. Talk about ideas like long and short. With your child, put in order of longest to shortest

Learn through touch

Cut shapes—circle, square, triangle—out of sturdy cardboard. Let your child touch the shape with their eyes open and then closed

Pattern play

Have fun with patterns by letting children arrange dry macaroni, chunky beads, different types of dry cereal, or pieces of paper in different patterns or designs

Graphing games

As your child nears three and beyond, make a chart where your child can put a sticker each time it rains or each time it is sunny. At the end of a week, you can estimate together which column has more or fewer stickers, and count how many to be sure.

With simple tricks, you can make any simple task an activity. Kindergarten math activities are designed for children to develop an interest in math. There are different child development programs that use such simple and fun activities to reinforce math skills in children. i-Maths is one such Child Enrichment program that makes learning math- fun, easy and fruitful for children. Learn more about these activities on our i-Maths website.

How Do You Teach Math Activities to Preschoolers?

Preschool Math Activities: Numbers, Counting, and Beyond!

Early math skills are being used by children throughout their activities, experiences and daily routines, whether at school or at home. For example, becoming familiar with their routines such as brushing their teeth, getting dressed, taking a nap, and learning about going shopping with their parents can all become math learning opportunities when approached in a certain way. Math learning centers use simple and fun activities to help children gain an interest in math.

Math is Everywhere!

Mathematics plays a major role in a child’s development and helps children make sense of the world around them. Children between the age of one to five years old are beginning to explore patterns and shapes, compare sizes and count objects; when guided in the right direction.

When it comes to preschool activities children use a variety of methods to problem-solve and talk about their findings. Math play is evident in pretend play, block play, literacy play, outdoor play, and science play, for example.

Any of the following commonly-found items can be used as tools to help teach fundamental math skills like adding and subtracting:

    • Peg Number Boards
    • Counting Bears
    • Car Garages
    • Magnetic 2D and 3D Blocks
    • Number Tracing Sheets
    • Tangrams
    • Playdough
    • Books and Rhymes
    • Puzzles (e.g. Jigsaw Puzzle)

Math Play: Examples from a Preschool Learning Center


Measurement is a skill most kids are eager to learn since it’s easy to see real-life applications. This activity category includes ordering and comparing objects to figure out time, weight, length, and graphing. Measure the length of bookcases, floor tiles, playground equipment, toys, and more.


Numeracy activity includes saying numbers, writing numbers, counting, and recognizing a number of objects. Counting toys, dividing the lego blocks into colors, counting the number of blocks, making cardboard with numbers 1 to 10, and placing the right number of marbles, are a few numeracy games you can play in a preschool program

Pattern and Shape

Figuring out patterns and shapes is an easy and fun game. Pattern and shape categories include keeping the blocks of different shapes and asking your little one to name them or coloring the shape you say is a simple yet educating activity you can play with your children.

These are just a few examples of what goes on in preschool activities that can help your child gain more interest in math. Math is found in every aspect of our lives. If you want your child to be ahead of the curve, then i-Maths is one such Math program that can help you out. Want to know more about it? Click here to find out!