Kindergarten here they come: Tips to get your preschooler ready and excited.

Kindergarten here they come: Tips to get your preschooler ready and excited.

The transition that marks a new beginning for your child is close. As parents, we understand that you might feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Excitement for the big step, yet nervous about your child’s adjustment to this new phase. It’s natural to share their jitters. But there are steps you can take to ensure your child’s preparedness to overcome preschool milestones and embrace the joys of kindergarten. 

An article published by the University of Florida underscores the impact of your child’s first five years in school and life. It emphasizes parent participation in preschool and kindergarten, which aids in preparing your child for the academic years ahead.

Every year 40 percent of children walk into kindergarten one-to-three years behind. These students struggle to catch up. Sadly, most of them never do. There is something YOU can do to help children succeed.
-The Children’s Reading Foundation

While kindergarten serves as a foundational learning period for your child, certain skills are expected to make kindergarten a smooth sailing experience. In this blog, we have provided a checklist of four key skills to assess your child’s readiness and suggestions to enhance those preliminary skills. Every child is unique and has a unique set of skills and abilities, so while this blog isn’t a judgment tool for all kids, it serves as a guide in your endeavor to set your child up for success.

Social Skills

In kindergarten, your child’s social skills lay the foundation for lifelong friendships and confidence that impacts their success academically and beyond. In this critical preschooler development stage, children learn to share, navigate new situations, collaborate, and express themselves. These skills are crucial for success in kindergarten, as parents you can observe your child to ensure they have these basic skills. Here are a few questions that will help you understand if your child is evolving socially.

  • Do they play cooperatively with other children?

Sharing toys, taking turns, and resolving conflicts are essential for navigating the bustling world of the classroom.

  • Does your child communicate effectively?

Can they express their needs and wants clearly, ask questions, and listen attentively to instructions?

  • Follow classroom rules? 

Kindergarteners need to understand the importance of following basic rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable learning environment.

Here are some fun ways to boost your child's social skills before starting kindergarten.

1) Organize playdates with other children to encourage interaction and build friendships.

2) Act out scenarios like asking for help, sharing toys, and taking turns.

3) Read stories together and discuss how the protagonist and other characters handle social situations.

Independent and Inspired

While the teachers can assist your child with difficult tasks, a certain level of independence is expected and appreciated in kindergarten. Life skills like telling when they need to use the bathroom and doing so semi-independently (by unbuttoning or unbuckling their pants) and fine motor skills like washing their hands, using a pair of safe scissors, and so on are crucial skills among kindergarteners. Below are a few questions to check how independent your little one is.

  • Can your child dress themselves (mostly)? 

Putting on clothes, zipping zippers, and tying shoes (with some practice, of course!) are essential for a smooth morning routine.

  • Can your child use the bathroom independently? 

This includes going to the toilet, washing hands, and dressing afterward.

  • Is your child able to manage their belongings? 

Keeping track of their backpack, lunchbox, and other school supplies is an important responsibility.

Here are some tips to nurture your child's independence.

1) Let them choose their outfit within reasonable limits, empowering them to make decisions.

2) Encourage them to brush their teeth, comb their hair, and pack their own snacks.

3) Acknowledge their efforts, no matter how small, to boost their confidence.

Curious Champ

Curiosity fuels kindergarteners’ learning journey! It drives them to ask endless questions, explore new things, and experiment. This fuels a love of discovery, boosts problem-solving skills, and ignites a lifelong passion for knowledge. Observe and identify the following traits in your child to determine their curiosity.

  • Can your child recognize basic shapes and colors? 

This forms the foundation for learning everything from letters to numbers and expressing their creativity.

  • Are they able to hold a pencil or crayon comfortably? 

Fine motor skills are essential for basic tasks like holding pencils, drawing, enhancing coordination, concentration, and other problem-solving abilities. 

  • Can they follow simple instructions? 

Listening attentively and understanding what’s expected is key to participating in classroom activities.

Here are some playful ways to ignite your child's curiosity.

1) Sing the alphabet song together while pointing out letters in everyday objects like signs and books.

2) Engage in fun counting games together by counting objects in the house or while you’re outdoors. For example, how many birds do you see on the tree?

3) Read books together, discuss the stories, ask questions, and encourage your child to make predictions.

Emotionally Equipped

Emotional readiness in kindergarten is crucial as it sets the stage for social and academic success. It allows children to cope with new situations, build healthy relations, focus on learning, and express themselves effectively. Without these skills, they struggle with meltdowns, social difficulties, and difficulty adapting to the school environment. You can assess the following factors to determine your child’s emotional readiness.

  • Is my child comfortable with separation? 

Assess their ability to spend time away from you without significant distress.

  • Does my child exhibit resilience? 

Consider how they handle challenges and setbacks, as kindergarten may present new obstacles.

  • Is my child confident in social situations? 

Evaluate their willingness to interact with peers and adults, as kindergarten involves frequent social interactions.

Some ways to offer emotional strength to your child are listed here.

1) Practice separation by gradually spending short periods away from your child to build their confidence in being apart.

2) Encourage Resilience by praising effort over success. Teach them to keep trying even if things get tough.

3) Acknowledge their strengths and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small. Thus, boosting their confidence.

So there it is parents, a small nudge in the direction of kindergarten readiness. While these small steps will help your preschooler adjust to the new phase of their academic life, you might want to go the extra mile for them. Wondering how? The answer is simple, an interactive and guidance platform – early education programs.

i-maths is a specially developed early education program that facilitates a smooth transition to school settings. Our program strategically nurtures an enthusiasm for learning while enhancing crucial skills like problem-solving, understanding patterns and relationships, and developing critical thinking abilities.  More than just math, i-Maths is a globally successful early childhood education program that prioritizes fun-filled and interactive learning experiences for deep-rooted and lasting learning. Support your child’s early success by enrolling them in i-maths! Register now.