Learn how hands-on-learning through preschool activities can help students in passive learning

i-Maths, Banner Text- The Neuroscience of Play: how Passive Learning Shapes a Child's Brain, www.i-maths.ca

We often underestimate the power of passive learning in a child’s development phase—a subtle yet influential force shaping the intricate pathways of a child’s brain forming essential skills that stay for a lifetime. In this blog, we will explore the neuroscience behind passive learning, exploring how this seemingly effortless process plays a pivotal role in sculpting the foundation for a child’s future success.

Decoding Passive Learning in Early Childhood

Passive learning, contrary to active engagement, involves the absorption of information without the child consciously striving to learn. It’s the essence of seemingly effortless learning that occurs in everyday moments, from observing actions to absorbing information from the surrounding environment. Going into neuroscience, we discover that passive learning engages neural circuits responsible for memory and pattern recognition, laying the groundwork for future cognitive abilities. 

The early years of a child’s life stand as the most formative period for learning. During this critical developmental phase, the brain is exceptionally receptive to stimuli and experiences. The inherent plasticity of a young brain allows for the establishment of neural connections, forming the basis for lifelong learning and intellectual development.

Benefits of Passive Learning in Early Childhood:

  • Development of Curiosity

Passive learning nurtures a natural curiosity, fostering a love for exploration and discovery.

  • Observational Skills

Children develop keen observational skills as they passively absorb information from their surroundings, enhancing their understanding of the world.

  • Improved Attention Span

Through passive engagement with the environment, children learn to sustain attention to various stimuli. This practice supports the development of a longer attention span, which is crucial for academic success later on.

  • Natural Development of Motor Skills

Passive learning often involves activities that contribute to the development of fine motor skills. For example, playing with building blocks or handling art materials enhances hand-eye coordination and manual skills. 

  • Cognitive Framework

Activation of neural circuits associated with memory and pattern recognition establishes a robust cognitive framework, providing the scaffolding for advanced cognitive abilities such as problem-solving and critical thinking.

The Role of Play in Passive Learning

At the heart of passive learning is the child’s ability to learn through play. Play, in all its glorious forms, becomes the vehicle for passive learning, allowing children to explore, experiment, and naturally absorb information. From imaginative play to unstructured exploration, these activities stimulate neural connections and contribute to the development of crucial cognitive skills. Understanding the neuroscientific underpinnings of play unveils its profound impact on the architecture of a growing brain. 

The Neuroscience of Memory Formation 

Passive learning, particularly through play, blends into the process of memory formation. Neuroscientific studies reveal that passive exposure to stimuli during play activates the hippocampus—the brain’s memory center. As children engage in passive learning experiences, their brains decode information effortlessly, creating a rich reservoir of memories that become foundational for future learning endeavors. 

Shaping Success: The Long-term Impact of Passive Learning 

Beyond the immediate joy of play and the subtle nature of passive learning lies a compelling narrative—the long-term impact on a child’s success. The neural connections forged during passive learning experiences form a strong base for future cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and adaptability. It lays the groundwork for a resilient, curious, and intellectually capable individual ready to face the complexities of the world. 

By recognizing and optimizing the effectiveness of passive learning and early learning, parents play a crucial role in supporting a child’s intellectual potential. 

i-Maths as an Early Math Enrichment Program promotes passive learning as the method of teaching foundational math skills. Our experienced instructors bring math to life through an array of engaging math activities for preschoolers. Picture your little one exploring mathematical concepts through interactive and fun games and play. From counting adventures with playful characters to hands-on activities that make math tangible, i-Maths transforms the learning experience into a captivating journey. The program not only teaches foundational math skills but does it in a way that sparks curiosity and excitement in the little ones. Join i-Maths today and watch as your child discovers the world where math is not just educational; it’s an adventure filled with fun and exploration. Give your preschooler the gift of learning math through play! Enroll Today!

5 Engaging and Educational Math Activities for Preschoolers

i-Maths, Blog Banner: 5 fun math games for young learners, www.i-maths.ca

As parents and educators, we all want our preschoolers to have a strong foundation in math. Early math skills lay the groundwork for future learning and problem-solving abilities. But teaching math to young children doesn’t have to be tedious. Easy math for preschoolers can be a fun way to kickstart your child’s early learning journey.

In this blog, we’ll explore some exciting math activities for preschoolers, that make math activties for preschoolers an enjoyable learning adventure.

  1. Counting with Toys:

Counting with toys is a simple yet effective way to introduce preschoolers to numbers. Gather various toys such as building blocks, teddy bears, or toy cars. Ask your child to count how many of each they have, or challenge them to create a tower using a specific number of blocks.

This game not only helps children practice counting but also builds number recognition, one-to-one correspondence (understanding that each number represents a quantity), and basic math skills. Additionally, manipulating small objects like toys helps develop fine motor skills.

  1. Shape Scavenger Hunt:

Engage your child in a shape scavenger hunt. Ask them to find and name objects with specific shapes within your house or outside. For example, you can say, “Find something that is a circle.”

This activity sparks a child’s curiosity and observation skills. It encourages them to identify and differentiate shapes in their surroundings, promoting spatial awareness and cognitive development. 

  1. Measure Up Mission:

Introduce the concept of measurement with a fun scavenger hunt. Choose any object from your house and ask your child to find items around the house that are either shorter or longer than the reference object, or the same size.

This game lays the foundation for understanding measurement concepts, sizes, and lengths. It also encourages early math and problem-solving skills while developing critical thinking as children compare objects.

  1. Zoop to Numbers and Shapes:

Scatter numbers written on paper along with different shapes around the room. Randomly call out a shape or number and ask your child to find and reach the same.

Zoop is an excellent game for enhancing number and shape recognition. It encourages cognitive flexibility as children quickly respond to random cues. This game sharpens their ability to associate numbers and shapes, fostering a deeper understanding of math.

  1. Sort them Out:

Set up three bowls or jars and assign a different shape to each. Create a mixed collection of these three shapes and ask your child to sort them into the correct bowl or jar based on their shape.

Matching shapes to containers is a hands-on approach to sorting and classifying. This game enhances pattern recognition, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It also encourages children to follow instructions and engage in structured play.

These math activities for pre-schoolers introduce fundamental mathematical concepts and promote cognitive development, problem-solving, and fine motor skills. As your child enjoys these activities, they’ll build a strong foundation for their educational journey.

Programs like i-Maths are designed to further enhance your child’s mathematical abilities. i-Maths inspire critical and creative thinking in children, preparing them for a future filled with problem-solving, patterns, and number sense. Enrol your child in i-Maths and nurture a lifelong love of learning and math, setting them up for a bright educational future.

Why Choose Afterschool Programs for Your Child?

i-Maths, Blog Banner- Afterschool Adventures: Where Learning Meets Fun, www.i-maths.ca

After a long day at school, the last thing a child wants is more work. What if there were exciting, engaging activities waiting for them after school? Afterschool programs that offer both enjoyment and opportunities for growth and learning? This is where afterschool programs step in!

Exploring the 5 Benefits of Afterschool Programs for Children:

  1. Safety and Supervision:

Afterschool programs provide a secure environment for children after school hours, ensuring their safety and well-being. Parents can have peace of mind knowing their child is in a supervised and structured setting.

  1. Academic Enrichment:

These programs offer educational activities that complement classroom learning. From homework assistance to engaging STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) projects, afterschool programs enhance children’s academic skills and foster a love for learning.

  1. Social Interaction:

Afterschool programs facilitate friendships and the exploration of new interests. Children have the opportunity to socialize, make friends, share interests, and develop crucial social skills in a supportive and inclusive environment.

  1. Support for Working Parents:

Working parents benefit from quality childcare during afterschool hours. Afterschool programs offer a reliable solution that allows parents to pursue their careers while ensuring their child’s well-being.

  1. Affordability and Convenience:

Afterschool programs are cost-effective and often include transportation options, making them a convenient choice for families. They offer an affordable way to provide enriching experiences for your child.

A Closer Look at the Advantages

  • Socialization:

Afterschool programs offer a vital platform for children to socialize, fostering face-to-face interactions in an age dominated by screens. Kids can make friends, share interests, and simply have fun, developing essential social skills that will benefit them throughout life.

  • Academic Enhancement:

Many afterschool programs provide academic support like tutoring, homework assistance, and engaging STEAM projects. These activities aid struggling students and challenge high achievers to continue growing academically. Children who participate in these programs tend to perform better in school, achieving higher grades and scores compared to their peers.

  • Physical Activity:

Excessive sedentary time can lead to future health issues. Afterschool programs promote physical activity through games, sports, and outdoor exploration, ensuring kids stay active and healthy while having fun.

  • Creative Expression:

Afterschool programs offer an outlet for children’s creativity. Whether it’s dance, drama, arts, or crafts, kids have ample opportunities to express themselves and uncover hidden talents. These creative experiences enrich their lives and help them develop a well-rounded skill set.

  • Enjoyment:

Above all, afterschool programs are designed to be fun! Children relish spending time with friends and participating in engaging activities that make learning enjoyable. Parents can rest assured knowing their kids are safe and well-supervised during working hours.

In conclusion, afterschool programs offer a multitude of advantages for children across various age groups. Whether it’s fostering social skills, enhancing academics, promoting physical health, encouraging creativity, or simply having a great time, afterschool programs provide diverse avenues for learning and growth. So, why not unlock your child’s potential and enroll them in an afterschool program today? They’re bound to have a blast with us at iMaths!

The Significance of Early Mathematical Education for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Early mathematical skills are the building blocks of a child’s holistic development, encompassing much more than mere number recognition and counting. This foundation in early childhood education plays a crucial role in nurturing logical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and critical reasoning. Extensive research has shown that children who establish a robust early math foundation are more likely to excel academically and achieve favorable long-term outcomes.

The Cognitive Growth Fueled by Early Math

Engaging in early math activities acts as a catalyst for the cognitive development of young children. It stimulates their capacity for abstract thinking, the ability to form connections, and their aptitude for problem-solving. Early math experiences further enhance memory retention, attention spans, and spatial awareness – skills that serve as the bedrock of future learning.

Real-World Applications of Early Math Skills

Early math skills extend well beyond the confines of the classroom, finding practical applications in everyday scenarios. Children who build a solid math foundation possess superior capabilities to tackle numerical challenges, measurements, and patterns encountered in daily life. They become adept at estimating quantities, comprehending concepts of time, and deciphering shapes and spatial relationships.

Guiding Toddlers and Preschoolers Towards Early Math Proficiency

Parents and caregivers wield tremendous influence in nurturing early math skills in toddlers and preschoolers. Integrating math into daily routines, such as counting objects during playtime or involving children in cooking and ingredient measurement, transforms math learning into an enjoyable and practical endeavor. Additionally, enrolling them in an early math learning center that emphasizes math-related literature, puzzles, and games captivates children, facilitating a deeper grasp of mathematical principles.

The Long-Term Advantages of Proficient Early Math Skills

Early math proficiency serves as the scaffolding for future academic accomplishments. Children who excel in mathematics during their formative years tend to develop a positive attitude toward learning and exhibit elevated achievement levels in subsequent academic phases. Robust math competencies also open doors to diverse career opportunities, especially in STEM-related fields, where mathematics is an essential skill set.

Early Math Skills: The Key to Cognitive Development and Future Success

Early math skills are not only pivotal for academic triumph but also fundamental for overall cognitive development. By providing your children with opportunities to immerse themselves in math-related activities through early childhood education programs, parents and caregivers establish a sturdy framework for their future learning and accomplishments. Help your children establish and explore early math concepts with the iMaths early learning center!

Investing in your child’s early childhood education is an investment in their future. It’s a journey that equips them with invaluable skills, nurtures their curiosity, and sets them on the path to success. With the right guidance and resources, your child can unlock their full potential and embrace a future filled with opportunities. Don’t wait; let your children start their mathematical journey today with iMaths!

Make Your Child’s Back-to-School Math Journey Fun and Exciting with Simple i-Maths Tips

As summer fades and the back-to-school season approaches, parents and educators are gearing up to ensure a smooth and enjoyable transition for young learners. Preschool and kindergarten mark crucial years for establishing a strong foundation in math skills, and one innovative approach gaining traction is the integration of i-Maths

So let’s delve into some exciting back-to-school activities that incorporate i-Maths principles to captivate and educate young minds, making the return to the classroom a thrilling adventure filled with learning and fun.

  • Number Recognition and Counting Games

The journey begins by introducing engaging number recognition and counting games. For preschoolers, colorful flashcards adorned with numbers can spark interest. To make counting even more captivating, include their favorite toys or objects as counting aids. For kindergartners, consider interactive counting apps that not only provide immediate feedback but also reinforce numeracy skills effectively.

i-Maths Tip: We emphasize the use of real-world objects and situations to teach math concepts. Encourage children to count everyday items like fruits, toys, or even the steps they take while walking.

  • Shape Sorting and Identification

Shapes play a pivotal role fundamental component of early math education. Geometric forms play a pivotal role in the foundational aspects of early mathematics instruction.

Use the excitement of going back to school to acquaint your young ones with various shapes. For preschoolers, engage them in hands-on activities such as sorting blocks based on their shapes or creating art with colorful construction paper. Kindergarten math activities can involve more complex tasks, like identifying and drawing shapes in their environment.

i-Maths Tip: i-Maths promotes learning through play. Employ shape-themed puzzles or board games to make shape identification even more engaging.

  • Pattern Recognition and Creation 

Patterns form another crucial math concept. Preschoolers can begin by recognizing simple patterns like ABAB or AABB in everyday objects or clothing. For kindergartners, take it a step further by encouraging them to create intricate patterns using various shapes, colors, or even numbers.

i-Maths Tip: Incorporate patterns into storytelling or art projects. This not only teaches math skills but also fosters creativity and critical thinking.

  • Measurement Adventures

Back-to-school preparations encompass acquiring new backpacks, shoes, and clothing. Transform these shopping experiences into exciting measurement adventures. For preschoolers, have them compare the sizes of different objects or try on clothing items to see what fits best. Kindergartners can gain hands-on experience measuring lengths using rulers and exploring concepts such as taller or shorter.

i-Maths Tip: Involve children in everyday measuring tasks, such as cooking or building, to demonstrate how math concepts apply to the real world.


As you prepare your little ones for preschool or kindergarten, keep in mind that math need not be intimidating; it can be a thrilling adventure. By integrating i-Maths principles into back-to-school activities, you can nurture a deep love for learning and set the stage for a successful educational journey. Embrace these enjoyable math activities, and witness your child’s confidence and enthusiasm for math flourish throughout the school year. Remember, the world of math is a captivating playground waiting to be explored!

So are you excited to empower your child’s math skills in a fun and intuitive way? Join us in embracing the i-Maths approach and unlock a world of mathematical wonder for your little one.

Take the next step on this exciting journey by exploring our comprehensive i-Maths resources and activities. Don’t wait! Start your child’s i-Maths journey today and pave the way for their brighter, math-savvy future. Together, we’ll make math an engaging and enjoyable experience that your child will cherish. With i-Maths let your child enjoy a fantastic approach of nurturing their math skills while keeping the learning experience engaging and enjoyable.

Let’s embark on this mathematical adventure together!


Exploring Math in the Great Outdoors, Engaging Activities to Foster Learning and Play

Introducing kids to math through outdoor activities not only enhances their numerical skills but also fosters a deeper connection with the world around them. Engaging in hands-on math experiences outdoors allows children to see mathematical concepts come alive in their environment, making learning both enjoyable and practical. These interactive and playful outdoor math activities stimulate curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, while also promoting physical activity and a love for learning. Whether it’s counting clouds, measuring leaves, or creating geometric shapes with natural materials, these outdoor math adventures offer a unique and enriching way for kids to explore the beauty of mathematics in nature.

Engaging kids in outdoor math activities can be a fun and effective way to help them develop their math skills while enjoying the fresh air and physical activity. i-Maths brings some outdoor math activities for kids which not only helps them improve their math but also helps them in their overall development. These activities also help children to gain awareness of their surroundings.

  • Nature Math Hunt

Take a nature walk and look for different shapes, patterns, and numbers in the environment. Count the petals on flowers, identify different shapes in leaves, rocks, or clouds, and search for symmetry in natural objects.

  • Sidewalk Chalk Math

Use sidewalk chalk to draw number lines, shapes, and simple math problems on the pavement. Kids can jump to the correct answer, trace shapes, or solve equations by hopping along the drawings.

  • Measurement Games

This math activity can be so much fun for children as they explore measurement concepts by using a ruler or a tape measure to measure the length of sticks, leaves, or other natural objects and compare the lengths, widths, and heights of different items.

  • Outdoor Math Puzzles

Create math puzzles or riddles related to outdoor objects or activities. For example, “I have 6 legs and can crawl. What am I?” (Answer: an insect) or you can follow i-Maths for more interesting puzzles and riddles. 

  • Math Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of math-related items for kids to find in the outdoor area. For instance, a list could include things like “Find something that is twice as tall as your shoe” or “Locate three objects that are shaped like a triangle.”

  • Garden Geometry

If you have a garden or outdoor space with plants, use string or sticks to create geometric shapes like circles, triangles, and squares. Discuss the properties of these shapes while arranging them. This math activity helps children gain knowledge of geometry and shapes.

  • Outdoor Math Art

Combine math activities and art activities by creating outdoor math art installations. For example, use sticks to make 2D and 3D shapes, or arrange rocks to represent numbers or equations.

  • Counting Clouds

Lie on the grass and look up at the sky. Count the number of clouds, and use them to practice basic addition or subtraction. You can ask questions like “How many clouds are there now if three disappear and two appear?”

  • Hopscotch Math

Set up a hopscotch grid with numbers and arithmetic symbols. Kids can hop through the grid while solving math problems in each section.

  • Fraction Picnic

Bring a picnic outdoors and cut different types of food (like sandwiches or fruits) into equal parts. Discuss and demonstrate fractions while enjoying the meal.

  • Math Nature Journal

Give kids a nature journal to record math observations. They can draw and write about patterns, shapes, and numbers they find during outdoor exploration.

  • Math Races

Organize relay races that involve math challenges. For instance, kids can solve a math problem before passing the baton to the next runner.

These outdoor math activities not only empower children with mathematical proficiency but also encourage them to become keen observers of the world around them. By immersing themselves in these playful and educational experiences, kids develop a solid foundation in math while cultivating an appreciation for the outdoors. These endeavors promote holistic

Brain Boosting Adventures: How i-Maths Prepares Kids for Back-to-School!

The formative years of a child’s life are crucial for their cognitive development. During the ages of 3 to 7, children’s brains are like sponges, absorbing information and learning at an astounding rate. To ensure that young minds are ready to embrace the challenges of school, i-Maths, a specialized math program, has been designed to stimulate and engage kids in mathematical thinking from an early age. In this blog, we will explore some essential activities that i-Maths employs to bring kids’ brains to the back-to-school zone and lay a strong foundation for their academic journey.

  • Interactive Games and Puzzles

i-Maths incorporates interactive games and puzzles that make learning math enjoyable and entertaining. These games are carefully designed to develop essential skills like problem-solving, logical reasoning, and critical thinking. As kids complete each level, they gain a sense of accomplishment, encouraging them to explore further and stay engaged with the learning process.

  • Visual Learning Aids

Visual aids play a significant role in enhancing children’s understanding of abstract concepts. i-Maths employs visually appealing graphics and animations that help young learners grasp mathematical concepts effortlessly. These visuals create a multisensory learning experience, making it easier for kids to retain and apply what they learn.

  • Progressive Curriculum

i-Maths follows a progressive curriculum that introduces math concepts in a structured manner, starting from basic counting and number recognition to more complex operations like addition, subtraction, and simple geometry. The program ensures that children build upon their prior knowledge, paving the way for a seamless transition to school math.

  • Real-Life Applications

i-Maths connects math to real-life scenarios, making it relevant and relatable to children. By showing kids how math is present in everyday situations, such as counting toys, sharing snacks, or measuring ingredients for baking, i-Maths instills a practical understanding of mathematical concepts and their importance in the real world.

  • Adaptive Learning

Every child learns at their own pace, and i-Maths recognizes this diversity. The program employs adaptive learning techniques that adjust the difficulty level based on a child’s performance. This ensures that each child is adequately challenged while preventing frustration from overly complex tasks.

  • Regular Progress Tracking

To keep parents informed about their child’s progress, i-Maths provides regular updates and performance reports. This allows parents to actively participate in their child’s learning journey and identify areas that may need extra attention or support.

  • Gamified Rewards and Recognition

i-Maths uses a system of rewards and recognition to motivate children to learn and excel in their math skills. As kids accomplish various milestones, they receive virtual badges, certificates, or other fun incentives, creating a positive learning experience and boosting their self-esteem.

  • Hands-On Activities

Apart from digital interactions, i-Maths also includes hands-on activities and manipulatives that encourage children to learn through touch and exploration. These activities facilitate a deeper understanding of math concepts and help develop fine motor skills.

i-Maths is more than just a math program; it is a holistic approach to learning that nurtures young minds during their formative years. By employing interactive games, visual aids, real-life applications, and adaptive learning, i-Maths prepares kids for the challenges of school math while fostering a love for learning. As children embrace the back-to-school season, i-Maths equips them with the confidence and skills needed for a successful academic journey ahead.

Unlock a Summer of Enriching Play & Cognitive Growth with i-Maths!

Math activities for preschoolers in summer can be both fun and educational, helping them reinforce their math skills while enjoying the break from school. 

Here are 12 engaging math activities introduced by i-Maths that children can enjoy during their summer vacation:

  • Math Hunt

Create a list of items or shapes for kids to find around the house or outside. For example, they can look for things like circles (clocks, lids), squares (picture frames), triangles (pizza slices), and rectangles (book covers). You can also include numerical challenges like finding objects with specific quantities (e.g., five toys, ten pencils) to reinforce counting skills.

  • Cooking and Baking

Involve kids in selecting recipes and making a shopping list. Let them go to the store with you and compare prices or quantities of ingredients. While cooking or baking, have kids measure ingredients using measuring cups and spoons. This helps them practice fractions and basic arithmetic. Encourage them to double or halve recipes, which reinforces multiplication and division concepts.

  • Math Board Games

Games like Monopoly can teach kids about money, addition, and subtraction as they buy properties and pay rent. Settlers of Catan involves resource management and strategy, encouraging children to think critically about trading and probabilities. Math Bingo is a fun way to practice number recognition and basic operations like addition and subtraction.

  • Math Storytime

Read math-themed books together and discuss the math concepts introduced in the story. “The Grapes of Math” uses rhymes to explore mathematical patterns and relationships. “Math Curse” humorously applies math to various real-life situations.

  • Math Puzzles and Riddles

Sudoku puzzles can help kids develop logic and critical thinking skills. Crossword puzzles with math-related clues reinforce math vocabulary and concepts. Riddles involving numbers or shapes challenge their problem-solving abilities.

  • Math Art Projects

Mandalas involve repetitive patterns and rotational symmetry. Kids can create their own mandalas using circular templates and various art supplies. Tessellation art involves creating repeating geometric patterns without gaps or overlaps. Provide them with cut-out shapes to explore tessellation designs.

  • Lemonade Stand

Set up a lemonade stand with kids to practice real-life math skills, such as handling money and making changes for customers. They can keep track of the number of cups sold and calculate their earnings.

  • Outdoor Math Games

Play hopscotch to practice counting, skip counting, or simple arithmetic. Label the hopscotch squares with numbers or equations for added learning. While playing sports, measure distances (how far they can throw a ball) or calculate scores and averages.

  • Calendar Math

Provide kids with a monthly calendar where they can record the different activities they engage in during the summer. They can use tally marks to track the frequency of each activity, helping them understand data representation.

  • Online Math Resources

There are numerous educational websites and apps that offer interactive math games and quizzes suitable for various age groups. Many of these resources adapt to the difficulty level based on the child’s progress. 

  • Math in Nature

During hikes or nature walks, encourage kids to identify patterns in leaves or flowers. Count the petals on a flower or the number of branches on a tree. Discuss geometric shapes in nature, like hexagonal beehives or spiral shells.

  • DIY Math Puzzles

Kids can create their own math puzzles or quizzes using index cards or paper. They can design number-based puzzles, like Sudoku or math-related riddles for others to solve. 

Remember to always provide positive reinforcement and encouragement during these math activities. By making math enjoyable and relevant to their interests, kids will be more likely to develop a love for learning and problem-solving. To engage your kids in some more math activities, enroll your child now at i-Maths and help them with their overall brain development. 

Promote Overall Child Brain Development with Math Activities for Preschoolers

Childhood is a period in a child’s life when they can be molded into anything. Every child’s future depends on this crucial early childhood education period. Molding children into better individuals during their early years is important for their overall development and future well-being. The early years of a child’s life are crucial as they form the foundation for their physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. During these crucial early years, the brain develops quickly and by providing a nurturing and stimulating environment, children can develop strong neural connections and cognitive abilities that will benefit them throughout their lives. Positive experiences and interactions in early childhood shape the brain’s architecture, influencing learning, memory, and problem-solving skills.

i-Maths understands the importance of overall child development and knows how to mold children into better individuals during their early years is crucial for their holistic development by conducting several preschool activities for early childhood education

Preschool is an ideal time to introduce math concepts to young children in a fun and engaging way. Here are 4 preschool activities conducted by i-Maths:

  • Counting Games & Shape Recognition

The help of objects like blocks, toys, or fingers helps develop number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, and the concept of quantity. Introduction of different shapes through hands-on activities such as sorting blocks or playing with shape puzzles. This helps children develop spatial awareness, visual discrimination, and critical thinking skills.

  • Pattern Activities

Creating pattern cards or using pattern blocks for children to replicate and continue patterns helps them in understanding patterns which lays the foundation for recognizing sequences, predicting outcomes, and logical reasoning.

  • Number Recognition and Quantity

Use number flash cards or manipulatives like counting bears or buttons for children to practice recognizing and matching numerals with the corresponding quantity. This activity helps develop number sense and subitizing skills (recognizing small quantities without counting).

  • Simple Addition and Subtraction

Introduce basic addition and subtraction through hands-on activities. For example, using counters or fingers to add or take away objects. This helps children develop a basic understanding of mathematical operations.

Importance of Preschool Activities:

Preschool activities play a crucial role in early childhood education and lay the foundation for their future learning and overall well-being. Here are 6 key reasons highlighting the importance of preschool activities:

  • Development of Mathematical Concepts

These activities lay the foundation for fundamental math concepts such as number sense, shape recognition, measurement, patterns, and basic operations. They help children develop a solid mathematical base for future learning.

  • Hands-On and Concrete Learning

Preschoolers learn best through hands-on experiences and concrete materials. Engaging them in math activities using manipulatives and real-life objects enhances their understanding and retention of mathematical concepts.

  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Math activities encourage children to think critically, analyze patterns, and solve problems. They develop logical reasoning skills and learn to approach challenges systematically and organizationally.

  • Language and Communication Development

Math activities involve using mathematical vocabulary, verbalizing ideas, and explaining concepts. This promotes language development, communication skills, and the ability to express mathematical thinking.

  • Building Confidence and Positive Attitudes

Engaging preschoolers in math activities in a playful and supportive environment helps build their confidence in approaching math. Positive experiences during early childhood education foster a positive attitude towards math, promoting a growth mindset and reducing math anxiety in the future.

  • Transferring Skills to Everyday Life

Math concepts learned in preschool activities are transferable to real-life situations. Children start recognizing numbers, shapes, and patterns in their environment, developing a practical understanding of math’s relevance in their daily lives.

Through the use of these exercises, i-Maths gives children a solid base for their grasp of mathematics, critical thinking skills, and a good attitude toward math as they move through their educational path.  i-Maths’s early childhood education provides a strong foundation for future academic success. We engage children in stimulating activities, encourage curiosity, and promote a love for learning that fosters a lifelong passion for knowledge. By focusing on early childhood education literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving skills, we prepare children for future educational challenges. 

10 Early Childhood Activities for Preschoolers to Develop Early Math Skills

As a parent or educator, nurturing a child’s development during their formative preschool years is crucial. These formative years are a prime opportunity to introduce foundational concepts in various subjects, including mathematics with kindergarten math activities. Contrary to popular belief, introducing math to preschoolers doesn’t have to be intimidating or dull. In fact, with the right preschool learning activities and programs like i-Maths, it can be both fun and rewarding.

Here are 10 early childhood activities you can do with your child:

  1. Counting with Everyday Objects

One of the simplest and most effective ways to introduce math to preschoolers is through counting. Counting with everyday objects familiar to children, such as toys, fruits, or building blocks, helps make abstract concepts more concrete.

  1. Shape Recognition and Sorting

Teaching shapes to preschoolers is an engaging activity that stimulates their cognitive abilities. Use a combination of two-dimensional shapes like circles, squares, and triangles, along with three-dimensional shapes like cubes and spheres. Encourage kids to identify and sort objects based on their shapes. i-Maths can further enhance this experience by providing interactive games that foster shape recognition skills.

  1. Pattern Play

Preschoolers are naturally drawn to patterns. You can use everyday objects like coloured blocks or stickers to create simple patterns, and then ask your child to continue the sequence. i-Maths offers interactive pattern recognition exercises that encourage creativity while strengthening their logical thinking skills.

  1. Measurement and Comparison

Introducing the concept of measurement at an early age can be incredibly valuable. You can use terms like “big,” “small,” “tall,” and “short” to compare objects. 

  1. Number Tracing and Writing

Once your child has a basic understanding of numbers, you can introduce number tracing and writing. Use fun and colorful materials to make it an exciting activity. 

  1. Counting Songs and Rhymes

Preschoolers love music, and counting songs and rhymes are an excellent way to make learning math enjoyable. Songs like “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” or “Ten in the Bed” can aid in counting and basic subtraction. 

  1. Outdoor Math Exploration

Take advantage of the outdoors to teach math concepts practically. Have your child count flowers, measure the length of sticks, or compare the sizes of leaves. 

  1. Math Storytime

Incorporate math into storytelling sessions. Use simple stories that involve counting, shapes, or patterns. This activity not only enhances math skills but also nurtures a love for reading and learning. i-Maths and interactive story telling exercises can make this experience even more immersive.

  1. Puzzles and Board Games

Puzzles and board games are fantastic tools to enhance problem-solving abilities in preschoolers. Choose age-appropriate puzzles that involve numbers, shapes, or patterns. i-Maths offers puzzle-solving games that challenge children’s critical thinking skills.

  1. Baking or Cooking Together

Engage your child in simple baking or cooking activities that require measuring ingredients. This hands-on experience will not only make math more enjoyable but also strengthen their understanding of measurements and proportions.

In conclusion, introducing math to preschoolers can be an exciting journey of exploration and discovery. Utilizing easy early childhood activities that incorporate everyday objects, interactive tools like, and engaging techniques such as storytelling and outdoor exploration can make the learning experience both enjoyable and effective. By providing a solid foundation in math during their early formative years, you are setting your child up for future success in this critical subject. Contact us at i-Maths today!